
Filmed over three years on location in the most remote archipelagos of Indonesia, Sulawesi, Fiji and the Celebes Sea, ‘Undersea Metropolis’ is a powerful and unique portrayal of everyday life in the world’s most densely populated underwater habitats. More

Rachel (Kimberly Leemans) finds out she might have terminal cancer and with the help of a handsome dive master, Luca (Falk Hentschel), decides to face her biggest fear... swimming with SHARKS!!.. More

At the very forefront of marine science, this revolutionary movie features stunningly beautiful 4K/6K underwater imagery and an inspirational, spellbinding story about the connections between human and marine divers, and the prevously unknown new risks they now face in a fast-changing world.. More |

In the most densely populated city on earth, predators roam, Con artists rule and there is a complete lack of law and order. This city should be in chaos. So why does harmony reign this lawless land? (more)

A National Geographic/
FOX Television Exclusive

Why are fish such incredible colours? We’ve never truly understood, because we’ve always looked through human eyes… At the very forefront of marine science, ‘WATER COLOURS’ is a legendary exploration of underwater colour, bringing the revolutionary discovery that colour is the language of the fish! (more) |

A National GeographicTelevision

Crypsis, camouflage, mimicry and masquerade: witness colour as an integral part of social behaviour. Unravelling the paradox of display and disguise, discover a world of illusion, not designed for human eyes.

A National Geographic/
FOX Television Exclusive

Bringing the revolutionary discovery that colour is the prime cryptic language of fish, used for attracting mates, avoiding predation and fooling potential prey, this is a timely and unique portrayal of the fascinating and virtually unknown world of underwater colour communication. |

A National Geographic/
FOX Television Exclusive

Revealing mind-blowing behaviour never filmed before, astonishing images new to science and extraordinary phenomena, still far from understood, this exhilarating film explores the magic of underwater fluorescence.
In a world where communication is ruled by colour display, marine animals have adapted to the underwater blues, by changing colour themselves - and, by changing colour, itself!.

A National Geographic/
FOX Television Exclusive

At the cutting edge of marine science, 'COLOUR TALKS' deciphers the meaning of underwater colours, and brings a revolutionary understanding of the language of the fish..

A National Geographic Television

‘Beyond the Blue’ is the pioneering visual extravaganza about marine animals use of fluorescence in communication, and their inconceivable ability to change one colour, into another... (more)

A National Geographic Television

To understand a world not designed for human eyes, we need to see it from a different point of view. From eye metamorphosis to polarization and UV, featuring exclusive footage new to science, this is a dive deep into the fishes eyes and the astonishing revelation about what they really see.

A National Geographic Television

3 X 52 minute Multiple Award-Winning, Underwater Documentary Film Series. This Internationally Acclaimed Series is the coral reef, as never seen before and a truly innovative portrayal of Marine Life.

Forgotten shipwrecks, coral encrusted caves, pristine islands and the heart of the coral reef. How it is formed, why it is being destroyed and the tiny animal that builds it all: This is a dream search for ‘The Perfect Reef’, inspired by their imminent disappearance.

Be it dainty, aggressive or ambushing when least expected, flirtatious, monogamous or nurturing their young, creating new methods to survive in a fast-paced, ever-changing world, this is ‘The Circle of Life’ of the reefs inhabitants and an inspiring look into Fish Behaviour.

Extraordinary relationships, misunderstood behaviour and ‘bridging the gap’ between man and marine life, this is a quest to discover whether fishes have feelings and intelligence and a dramatically compelling story about making contact. Can fish communicate?