*Liquid Motion Academy Underwater Filmmaker Student & Graduate
Anna Dimitriadis
shoots major DISNEY+/NAT GEO Series!!!*
#Liquid Motion Underwater Film Academy & Disney + & National Geographic

We’d like to share and extend a huge congratulations to Anna Dimitriadis, one of few who graduated with the highest honours from The Liquid Motion Underwater Film Academy in 2020! Anna hs been living off grid, in the wilderness for months shooting for a major DISNEY+ / National Geographic Series – and soon we all get to see some of her latest work!
Several years back, Anna followed her Industry Pro Underwater Filmmaker Career Course at the Academy with a month’s internship working side by side with Liquid Motion.
Determined, driven, hard-working, always positive, smart, creative and beautiful inside and out, she helped us with projects we were working on, as well as assisting with fun-filled photo-shoot days. Whatever we asked of her, she agreed, did it fast, and usually had several options to offer us. In the short time she was with us, she became a highly valued member of the Liquid Motion team. So we knew already that she would make it all the way:-)

“Liquid Motion made me realise that my dream really was tangible”
Here is an extract from Anna’s review, a story about her journey:
“Liquid Motion made me realise that my dream really was tangible. The entire Professional Underwater Filmmaker Course was tailored to me, Guy built on the basics of my knowledge and taught me key underwater camera skills. He showed me how to achieve different camera moves to make shots visually exciting, demonstrated the importance of colour temperature, lighting and filters to create mood, models, studio shoots, corporate shoots and how to approach and film marine life. He is extremely knowledgeable about all things camera and was able to answer any question I threw his way. (And I had lots!). The course is very hands-on, so for someone like me, who had dreamed of using a professional underwater camera, being handed it on the first dive was seriously exciting. I was allowed total creative freedom, while receiving 100% support.”
“The instruction was amazing, and it worked perfectly as things began to fall in place and my shots were soon exactly what I visualised. Guy taught me the core techniques of underwater cinematography, but also opened my eyes to the sheer scope of creative possibility when it comes to both film and photography. He’s taught me to look at every environment I’m in and ask myself ‘how would I capture this moment?’ Liquid Motion equipped me with all the skills and creative flare that I need to work professionally, and also gave me an even larger spark of passion on my journey to becoming an underwater camera operator…”
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“Liquid Motion taught me all the core techniques of underwater cinematography, and he also opened my eyes to the sheer scope of creative possibility when it comes to both film and photography. He’s taught me to look at every environment I’m in and ask myself ‘how would I capture this moment?’ “
Check out the trailer for Anna’s Nat Geo/Disney Series here: